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Why Not Give Up?

As a believer, I have grown to understand that my feelings don't define the role of God in my life. I hope you can find encouragement in today's blog.

I can promise you that you will lose people you love in this world; you will be disappointed by friends and family. You will get hurt and feel the sting of betrayal and even feel lonely at times, but never will you be alone; because God will never leave or forsake you. I can promise that there will be times when you will want to give up. And times when trying appears to be unfruitful but try anyway because God is in the midst of it all. I can promise troubles of all sorts. Challenges that you have never even imagined because your purpose is intertwined in these moments. But continue to trust God and have faith in him because He will see you through. I can promise you that God has overcome the world. I know this because the word of God states in John 16:31-33 “Do you now believe? Jesus replied. A time is coming and in fact, has come when you will be scattered each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” When you feel like all hope is gone, do not go with what you feel. Go with what you know to be true about God. God the protector, God the provider, God the resource, God the Comforter, God the friend, God the living water, and God of the impossible. Stand on mustard seed faith if that is all you can do but stand with God. Trust Him because of who He is in your life, because of who He is in the world. Trust because He is not a man that He would lie. Trust because you have seen Him show up before, and He will continue to show up because you are His child. Trust because even when you lived as a prodigal, He was patiently awaiting your return home. And No one could deter His belief and love for you. No mistakes of your past not your feeling of shame or your failures nothing would hold back His love. Trust because He is love, and love began with Him. So again, in this world, you will have trouble. But take heart, God has overcome the world, simply because of His love for you. No matter how many times you fall, He will be there to catch you if you keep trying and seeking Him. He is your biggest cheerleader because He knows that you were created for victory. And He is here to ensure that you will win. If you trust nothing else, trust God’s love for you even when you don’t’ feel it.

Let's all reach out to God today despite how we feel, and give Him the praises He deserves.

God loves you and so do I.

If you need prayer please leave a comment or sent an email.

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